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This Girl is a 10

This post is going to be a little silly, but that is okay, because I am a lot silly, most of the time. I want this blog to educate, inspire, and encourage connection during mundane moments. But I don't want it to be so deep and intense that it won't spark joy and laughter, because that is what I am chasing after in my life.

So this particular post has 3 purposes. The first purpose is that I want to remember this trend. Reading others' "She's a 10" posts has had me holding my sides for weeks and although I am not typically a pop culture follower, I thought it would be fun to share attributes that are true to me at this moment of my life (29 truths for my 29 years on this planet). The second purpose is that when we understand the context of a person's life, we are better able to connect with them. Now my "She's a 10" sentences might not seem to be all that eye-opening, but I think you can make some inferences on who I am and what is important to me by reading my list. The last purpose is that I believe in vulnerability. The Queen of Vulnerability (in my very humble opinion) is Brené Brown. She said, "You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness". I don't know about you, but I am so very tired of hustling. It is literally exhausting work alongside everything else I already have to make time for. So, I am just going to own my story. Especially because I am worthy (a 10) just because I am on this Earth, breathing. Just like how you are worthy (a 10) because you are also a living, breathing, being on this this Earth, with a beautiful story to share. So regardless of all the quirks, idiosyncrasies, values, and characteristics I bring to the table and that are listed below, just like my elementary P.E. teacher always said, I am unique, lovable, and capable of success! And so are you! Feel free to send me your she/he's a 10 list to multiply the joy. Enjoy my list and 10 karma points if you make it all the way through!

1. She's a 10 and has irrational fears of elevators so if the doors do not open within seconds of landing on the correct floor, she will start looking for an escape route through the ceiling.

2. She's a 10 and her family means everything to her.

3. She's a 10 and she will take a treadmill next to one being used, despite open machines down the row, because it is under a fan and she needs air circulation during cardio. (Sweating is a blessing and a curse!)

4. She's a 10 and loves Jesus.

5. She's a 10 and she relies on her smart car to tell her when she is going to lock her keys in the car or exiting the car without it being parked. (No comment on how many times either of these situations have happened.)

6. She's a 10 and she has a doctorate degree in physical therapy.

7. She's a 10 and her recent obsession with clean living without chemicals like parabens, phthalates, and PFA/Os makes gift-giving holidays a stressful time for her family.

8. She's a 10 and she surrounds herself with quotes that inspire her.

9. She's a 10 and will not do anything that she does not want to do. (I may be a little more than slightly stubborn, on a good day.)

10. She's a 10 and she has never seen the Batman, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or Jurassic Park franchise movies.

11. She's a 10 and she runs into walls of a house that she has lived in for over 26 years.

12. She's a 10 and gets a little, okay maybe a lot, impatient when people do not turn left on a green arrow, especially if they are the lead car.

13. She's a 10 and loves doing dishes, especially if they have not been in the sink for days.

14. She's a 10 and her giving love language is gift giving and her receiving love language is quality time/words of affirmation.

15. She's a 10 and finds immense pleasure in pegging people during dodgeball. (Especially if they are male and of the unsuspecting variety.)

16. She's a 10 and will always root for the underdog.

17. She's a 10 and sometimes gets mouthy if sports referees don't do their jobs.

18. She's a 10 and has been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for almost 11 years.

19. She's a 10 and at 5'3", there will never be a country song written about her as she is not 5'9", does not have tall, tan legs, and will not slide on into a pick-up truck.

20. She's a 10 and a ESFJ (Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging) on the Myers-Briggs Test.

21. She's a 10 and although she eats salads for lunch, she refuses to eat shredded lettuce with her Mexican food because of the texture. (Yes, it does not make sense, but also yes, that shredded lettuce is not going in my mouth.)

22. She's a 10 and a stereotypical Capricorn.

23. She's a 10 and knows the difference between comfy/casual clothes and appropriate clothes to wear in public, but wears whatever she wants anyways.

24. She's a 10 and cries when she is frustrated.

25. She's a 10 and has to watch movies with subtitles, especially her beloved period pieces, because she has the hearing of a 60-year-old.

26. She's a 10 and will stay up all hours of the night to read a love story because she lives vicariously through the heroines.

27. She's a 10 and will catch bugs found in the house and peacefully release them back into the wild, unless they are scorpions, then she will send them back to the Hell they came from.

28. She's a 10 and has been scared of death and dying for as long as she can remember.

29. She's a 10 and loves her name, despite no one ever spelling or pronouncing it right. (Come on Karen, it was in the e-mail/on the Facebook page!)

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